左右搂膝拗步 Twist Step & Brush Knee

一.预备式 全身自然放松,胸略内涵,神宜内敛。

1.     Stand in a ready position, slightly hollowing the chest, and regulate breath.


2.     Stand with feet at shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent, round the crotch area, relax the pelvic, and hold the center of gravity between the legs. Raise both hands to shoulder level, and then sink the shoulders, lower the elbows, and flip both palms facing front.


3.     Shift the weight to the left leg, lift the tip of the right foot, and swing outwards at the waist on the right heel. Hold the ball with left hand level with the chest and right hand level with the lower abdomen, palms facing each other.


4.     Shift the weight to the right leg, and flip the right palm down.


5.     Step the left foot forward while raising the right hand to shoulder level, palm facing up. Bring both hands to shoulder level, sink the shoulders, and lower the elbows. Lift the left foot to form tiptoe against the right foot.


6.     Without moving the upper body, step the left foot forward and away at 45 degrees. Land on the left heel.


7.     Lower the left hand to lower abdomen, and stand in horse-riding stance.


8.     Swipe the left hand to the outside of the left knee, palm facing back. Push the right palm forward, but not extending beyond the left toes. Stand in bow stance with the left foot pointing inwards at 45 degrees.


9.     Shift the weight to the right leg, lift the tip of the left foot, and swing outwards at the waist on the left heel. Hold the ball with right hand level with the chest and left hand level with the lower abdomen, palms facing each other.

十. 重心转移到左腿,左手向下翻转掌心朝下。

10. Shift the weight to the left leg, and flip the left palm down.

十一. 上步拖掌,双手与肩同平沉肩坠肘,步法为丁字步,重心在左脚,右脚尖点地。

11. Step the right foot forward while raising the left hand to shoulder level, palm facing up. Bring both hands to shoulder level, sink the shoulders, and lower the elbows. Lift the right foot to form tiptoe against the left foot.

十二. 上身动作不动,出右脚以脚跟点地,重心在左脚。

12. Without moving the upper body, step the right foot forward and away at 45 degrees. Land on the right heel.

十三. 右手向下隔开左手不动,步法为马步。

13. Lower the right hand to lower abdomen, and stand in horse-riding stance.

十四. 右手向外隔开,放在右边膝盖旁,左手向外推出掌力不超过脚尖,步法为弓步前脚尖向内扣45度。(右搂膝拗步)。

14. Swipe the right hand to the outside of the right knee, palm facing back. Push the left palm forward, but not extending beyond the right toes. Stand in bow stance with the right foot pointing inwards at 45 degrees.


15. Cross the arms in front of the chest with palm facing the chest, and left hand on top of the right hand. Stand on tiptoe in the left foot and the weight on the right foot. Keep body straight up.

十六. 出左脚成马步,同时两手自然向下打开。

16. Kick the left leg outward and stand in horse-riding stance. Lower both hands to the outside of the knees, palm facing up.

十七. 步法不动,两手在面前划弧起至比肩略高,不要过头,掌心翻转朝下,手指朝前方。

17. Without moving the feet, straighten the knees and raise both hands above shoulder level, but not extending above the head, with palm facing down and fingers pointing forward.


18. Closing form.


21 Bedok North Ave 4
Singapore 489948
Tel:+65 97700879 Fax:+65 64427879
