太极混元桩 Taiji Hunyuan Zhuang (Primordial stance)
一.预备式 全身自然放松,胸略内涵,神宜内敛。 1. Stand in a ready position, slightly hollowing the chest, and regulate breath. |
二.两脚开立,与肩同宽或稍宽,两腿微微弯曲,圆裆松胯,重心压在两腿之间,含胸拔背,虚领顶劲,全身放松,气沉丹田,手掐子午穴,此手法为子午诀又称太极印。 2. Stand with feet at shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent, round the crotch area, relax the pelvic, and hold the center of gravity between the legs. Slightly look up, relax the body, sink Qi into lower abdomen, and place the hands in Taijiyin (Taiji Mudra) by placing the tiger mouths together and resting the hands over the lower abdomen. |
三.外气采补法,双手分开子午诀。自然向上起,于肩同平要求沉肩坠肘。 3. Release the hands and raise both arms to shoulder level. Sink shoulders and lower the elbows. |
四.胸前双手画圆采补吐纳。 4. Hold an imaginary ball between the hands in front of the chest. Regulate breath. |
五.双手回于丹田部位,虎口相对,引气归于丹田,重复三次。四.胸前双手画圆采补吐纳。 5. Replace both hands at lower abdomen, by making a triangle with the thumbs and index fingers. Concentrate breath to lower abdomen for three breath counts. |
六.双手掌心向上手托起与胸同平进行导引,与气息调节相配合,求得血脉畅通。 6. Flip both palms up and raise hands to chest level while inhaling. |
七.掌心朝内掌被向外掤出。 7. Flip both palms facing the chest and push both hands out while exhaling. |
八.双手向外展开托起,与肩同平。 8. Open both arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing up. |
九.掌心朝上转至耳后。 9. With palms facing up, draw hands to the back of the ears. |
十.中指相对向上顶起,手臂与身体拉成一条直线。 10. With palms facing up, point middle fingers together and lift both arms above the head. Arms and body should be aligned in one straight line. |
十一.翻转手腕掌心朝下放松下沉于胸前。 |
十二. 掌心朝内掌被向外掤出。 12. Flip both palms facing the chest and push both hands out. |
十三. 双手向外展开托起,与肩同平。 13. Open both arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing up. |
十四.掌心朝前转十三. 双手向外展开托起,与肩同平。至耳后。 14. Bring both hands close to the ears, palms facing front. |
十五.向前斜下方推出至胸平。 15. Push both hands out diagonally to chest level. |
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