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本院两位武术教练联同中国武当道教功夫团于2009年9月20日下午获邀到新加坡总统府,为新加坡总统阁下纳丹先生及夫人表演。 表演项目包括太极拳、逍遥扇、龙华拳、太乙五行拳、玄武拳击集体太极剑。
Performing at the Istana
Two coaches from Wudang Shenghong Health Preservation Centre and the Wudang Mountain Taoist Kungfu Troupe were invited to perform for President Nathan and Mrs. Nathan at the Istana on 29th September 2009. The performance included Taiji Quan, Taiji Fan, Dragon Form (Longhua Quan), Taiyi Five Elements Fist, Xuanwu Boxing and collective Taiji Sword.
21 Bedok North Ave 4
Singapore 489948
Tel:+65 97700879 Fax:+65 64427879